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The dramatic coastlines of Brittany and Normandy are the location for this exciting ten-day photographic workshop, taking in Finistere and the Pink Granite Coast, by way of iconic lighthouses, fantastical rock formations and wonderful opportunities for sunset shots over the sea, alongside charming quaysides and the magical island of Mont-Saint-Michel. Whether you're an experienced photographer or a complete beginner, you'll have ample opportunities to improve your imaging skills in a relaxed, friendly environment in two of France's most enchanting regions.


Capture Brittany & Normandy's dramatic coastlines on this exciting 10-day April photography workshop, including iconic lighthouses, magnificent pink-tinged cliffs & Mont-Saint-Michel.

You'll be spending the first four days of this workshop in Brittany, where key locations include Dinan, the rugged coastline of Finistere, the Cote de Granit Rose and four highly photogenic lighthouses - Petit Minou, Saint-Mathieu, Kermorvan and Ploumanac'h. It's then time to move onto Normandy for six nights to photograph the enigmatic island of Mont-Saint-Michel, picture-book pretty Honfleur harbour and the intriguing sea arches and white chalk cliffs of Etretat.

Transport during this workshop is included, so you don't have to worry about watching the road - you can gaze out of the window, soak up the sights en route to the next location, and enjoy chatting with your fellow photographers. With a maximum of just three people on the workshop, you'll be swapping tips and anecdotes before you know it!

All Tom's workshops have a relaxed atmosphere, with plenty of time for one-to-one tuition. With his expert guidance - honed by four decades of experience as a professional landscape photographer and tutor - you'll quickly improve your photography skills.

Over just ten days you'll develop your eye for a photo opportunity, learn how to "work" a location to get a range of compositions, get to grips with different light conditions (including sunrise and sunset), and master techniques like long exposures for water. You'll also find out how to make the most of your camera's settings and develop your post-production skills.

All accommodation includes a well-appointed private room and a tasty breakfast. There'll be plenty of opportunities to sample the regional specialities, too, with seafood a big feature - think moules-frites (mussels and fries), Marmite Dieppoise (creamy seafood broth) and coquilles Saint-Jacques. Moreish snacks include kouign-amann (one of the most difficult pastries to make but oh so worth it), crepes/galettes, and a wonderful selection of cheeses - perfect for washing down with local beer or cider!





  • Country: France
  • Workshop leader: Tom Mackie
  • Exertion level: Moderate



Tom will use your email address to contact you if spaces for this workshop become available.


Please feel free to include any details you think may help Tom find you a suitable workshop.

Tom will contact you if & when places become available on this workshop.
He may also contact you if he feels there are suitable alternative workshops.



Brittany (four nights)

After rendezvousing at Brest Airport on April 1st we head west, deep into Finistere, which translates as "the end of the Earth". Bounded by turbulent seas, it boasts the greatest concentration of lighthouses in the world, and our first will be the 19th century Petit Minou, perched on a ruggedly beautiful point in front of an ancient fort.

Our next stop is the red-topped Saint-Mathieu lighthouse, overlooking the Iroise Sea, the ruins of a Benedictine abbey and a striking signal station (semaphore). A short distance along the coast stands the Kermorvan lighthouse, a squared, keep-like tower reached by a narrow stone bridge.

Heading north, Brittany's Cote de Granit Rose is a spectacular stretch of coastline, where pink-tinged cliffs rub shoulders with huge, jumbled rocks. It's home to the Ploumanac'h lighthouse, hewn from coral granite and looking for all the world like a giant chess piece. And no trip to this glorious coast would be complete without photographing the idiosyncratic La Maison du Gouffre, a diminutive Bretton house improbably wedged between two massive boulders.

We say goodbye to Brittany in the ancient, walled riverside town of Dinan, arguably the prettiest in the region, where half-timbered houses and stone buildings jostle for space in narrow cobbled streets, watched over by a magnificent 14th century castle with moat and drawbridge.

Normandy (six nights)

The second half of our workshop begins with two nights in Mont-Saint-Michel, the iconic island dominating the bay where Brittany meets Normandy. Crowned by a medieval monastery, with ramparts at its base built to deter the British, this World Heritage Site is at its photographic best in the slanting light of early morning and late afternoon.

Our next port of call is picture-book Honfleur on the Seine estuary, whose quayside is lined with colourful, historic houses and the harbour dotted with fishing boats and yachts - superb for reflections and panoramas, especially at sunset. After a two-night stay, we conclude our workshop with two nights in Etretat, much loved by the Impressionists for its striking sea arches and white chalk cliffs.


What's included?
  • One-to-one and group tuition with Tom
  • 10 nights' accommodation
  • Private rooms (no single supplement)
  • Breakfast
  • Collection at Brest Airport on April 1st after midday
  • Drop-off at Rouen train station on the 11th at 10:00 for connecting flights in Paris
  • Transport and tolls during workshop

What's not included?
  • Flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Lunches, evening meals, snacks and drinks
Whether you're a beginner or a semi-pro, you'll find plenty to learn and enjoy on this workshop.

You'll require either a digital camera with at least a 16GB memory card (minimum 32GB if it's high resolution) or a film camera (SLR, medium, large or wide format) - Tom has many years of experience working with both.

Additional kit - a tripod, shutter release and polarising filter will help you maximise your shooting opportunities, although they aren't essential.

Average fitness levels - there's nothing too strenuous on the cards.

The weather in this part of France in April is warming up and fairly sunny. Expect highs of around 18C / 64F and lows of 10C / 50F in Brittany, while it will be a couple of degrees cooler but also drier in Normandy. Do bring waterproofs, as there's always a chance of rain this close to the Atlantic.

This workshop is strictly limited to three people to ensure time for individual tuition and a relaxed pace, so early booking is advised.


If you have any questions about Tom's photography workshops, please check the frequently asked questions page. Alternatively, get in touch with Tom directly and he'll be happy to help you.

Workshops FAQs Contact Tom

Tom Mackie has been a photographer all his working life. His degree in commercial photography took him first of all to Los Angeles, where he spent five years as an industrial and architectural photographer. It was during this period that he travelled widely in the Western States, discovering in himself a previously unknown fervour for the beauty of those vast 'cinemascope' panoramas.

Tom Mackie has been a photographer all his working life. His degree in commercial photography took him first of all to Los Angeles, where he spent five years as an industrial and architectural photographer. It was during this period that he travelled widely in the Western States, discovering in himself a previously unknown fervour for the beauty of those vast 'cinemascope' panoramas.

After that, the confines of a Los Angeles commercial studio were never going to hold him. Tom married his art to this new-found passion and embarked on a 'til death-do-us-part' relationship with landscape photography.


After that, the confines of a Los Angeles commercial studio were never going to hold him. Tom married his art to this new-found passion and embarked on a 'til death-do-us-part' relationship with landscape photography.