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The Scottish Highlands boasts some of the world's most breathtaking landscapes. From soaring mountains and deep glens to dazzling emerald lochs, all wrapped in mysterious myths and legends that only add to their appeal, it's a must-visit location for every landscape photographer. In early November, with fewer tourists to clutter the views, you'll enjoy pleasantly late sunrises, the trees still clad in their splendid golden and red autumn leaves, and the moorlands ablaze in burnt orange hues - perfect conditions for Tom's nine-day landscape photography workshop.


Join Tom in the beautiful Scottish Highlands for a nine-day November workshop capturing the mountains and glens in their autumn splendour.

During the workshop we'll have four nights in Bridge of Orchy and three nights in Loch Linnhe to maximise your range of photo opportunities. For the last night we'll be in Glasgow to allow for atmospheric blue hour shots over the Clyde.

Key photo locations include Loch Lomond and the Falls of Falloch, Rannoch Moor and reflections of the Black Mountains in Lochan na h-Achlaise, the woodlands of the Birks of Aberfeldy, Glen Coe (as seen in the James Bond movie Skyfall), Kilchurn Castle on Loch Awe, Loch Linnhe, the rapids and waterfalls of Glen Etive, Castle Stalker on Loch Laich, and the curved Glenfinnan Viaduct (as seen in the Harry Potter films).

With a maximum of just three people on the workshop, it's a relaxed experience, with plenty of time for individual tuition from Tom.

Under Tom's expert guidance, you'll find out how to make the most of the opportunities each location offers, including working a scene for different compositions, selecting the optimal settings on your camera and how to make the most of all types of light, from dawn to dusk, the blue hour after sunset, and overcast conditions. You'll also learn how to make any necessary tweaks afterwards in post-production (although Tom's approach is to get everything as perfect as possible in-camera). And, fingers crossed, you might even have an opportunity to shoot the Northern Lights, as 2024 is forecast to be a peak year for solar activity.

All transport during the Scottish Highlands photography workshop is included - all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the landscapes as they unfold around you.

Your accommodation on each leg includes a well-appointed private room (no single supplement) and a hearty breakfast to set you up for a great day's shooting.

At this time of year, the weather in Western Scotland can be surprisingly mild, with highs up to 14C / 57F, but rain is always on the cards, so waterproofs and layers are recommended.

There will be a moderate amount of hiking to reach some of the locations Tom has scouted out, so you should have a decent level of fitness and a good pair of walking boots.





  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Workshop leader: Tom Mackie
  • Exertion level: Moderate



Tom will use your email address to contact you if spaces for this workshop become available.


Please feel free to include any details you think may help Tom find you a suitable workshop.

Tom will contact you if & when places become available on this workshop.
He may also contact you if he feels there are suitable alternative workshops.



After meeting at Glasgow airport at 1pm on November 3rd, we'll start our journey along Loch Lomond, the largest lake in Great Britain, travelling along its western shoreline and stopping at the graceful Falls of Falloch before heading on to Bridge of Orchy, our base for the next four nights.

From Bridge of Orchy, we'll travel to several stunning locations, including Rannoch Moor, taking in the incredible light and fantastic views across Lochan na h-Achlaise to the Black Mount mountain range. We'll also be venturing into the deep gorge at the Birks of Aberfeldy where the autumn colours of the woodlands are simply dazzling.

We'll also have several opportunities to explore the dramatic splendour of Scotland's most famous and scenic glen, Glen Coe, while the evocative ruins of the 13th century Kilchurn Castle reflecting in the waters of Loch Awe will be a superb setting for capturing an early Scottish mist - mist to be supplied at nature's discretion!
For the next three nights we'll be based on the shores of Loch Linnhe, with plenty of time to explore more eye-catching locations, including Glen Etive with its spectacular rapids and waterfalls - for James Bond fans, it's also where many of the Scottish scenes in Skyfall were shot.

Castle Stalker, perfectly positioned on a small tidal islet at the mouth of Loch Laich, is a superb setting for spectacular sunsets. If time permits, we'll also head over to the curved Glenfinnan Viaduct, as seen carrying the Hogwarts Express in the second and third Harry Potter films.

For our last night in Scotland, we'll stay in Glasgow and head out to photograph the blue hour along the River Clyde, before being dropped off after breakfast the following morning at Glasgow Airport.


What's included?
  • One-to-one and group tuition with Tom
  • 8 nights' accommodation
  • Private rooms (no single supplement)
  • Breakfast
  • Transfers to/from Glasgow Airport
  • Transport during workshop

What's not included?
  • Flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Lunches, evening meals, snacks and drinks
Whether you're a beginner or a semi-pro, you'll find plenty to learn and enjoy on this workshop.

You'll require either a digital camera with at least a 16GB memory card (minimum 32GB if it's high resolution) or a film camera (SLR, medium, large or wide format) - Tom has many years of experience working with both.

Additional kit - a tripod, shutter release and polarising filter will help you maximise your shooting opportunities, although they aren't essential.

A good level of fitness is required, as there will be moderate hiking.

November weather in the Scottish Highlands is changeable, but rain is a daily possibility, so bring full waterproofs (including for your camera and lenses). Average temperatures in Western Scotland are influenced by the Gulf Stream and can be surprisingly mild for this time of year, from lows of around 6C / 43F to highs of 10-14C / 50-57F, so clothes you can layer are highly recommended. Sturdy walking boots are also a must.


If you have any questions about Tom's photography workshops, please check the frequently asked questions page. Alternatively, get in touch with Tom directly and he'll be happy to help you.

Workshops FAQs Contact Tom

Tom Mackie has been a photographer all his working life. His degree in commercial photography took him first of all to Los Angeles, where he spent five years as an industrial and architectural photographer. It was during this period that he travelled widely in the Western States, discovering in himself a previously unknown fervour for the beauty of those vast 'cinemascope' panoramas.

Tom Mackie has been a photographer all his working life. His degree in commercial photography took him first of all to Los Angeles, where he spent five years as an industrial and architectural photographer. It was during this period that he travelled widely in the Western States, discovering in himself a previously unknown fervour for the beauty of those vast 'cinemascope' panoramas.

After that, the confines of a Los Angeles commercial studio were never going to hold him. Tom married his art to this new-found passion and embarked on a 'til death-do-us-part' relationship with landscape photography.


After that, the confines of a Los Angeles commercial studio were never going to hold him. Tom married his art to this new-found passion and embarked on a 'til death-do-us-part' relationship with landscape photography.